I didn’t really manage to figure out what the poet (more precisely, the poet or screenwriter and director Ana Katz) wanted to say with this absurdist drama filmed in a somewhat cinema verite style in black and white. “The Dog Who Wouldn’t be Quiet” premiered at Sundance, and in this film we follow several strange episodes in the strange life of thirty-year-old graphic designer Seba (the director’s brother, Daniel Katz). This is one of those arty films in which it is really difficult, perhaps even completely unnecessary, to explain what is happening there, but a series of completely absurd events will completely change this man’s life.
Everything will start when his neighbors will start protesting because of the noise made by his dog, and to make the situation absurd, we never once heard Seba’s dog barking. For the same reasons, this guy will quit his job, and then he will go on a bizarre journey during which he will meet some new people. At the end, a meteor will appear that will permanently poison the earth’s atmosphere and everyone will have to wear some astronaut helmets. The strongest asset of this film is the really great black-and-white photography, but I was unable to capture the deeper meaning of this almost experimental low-budget Argentinian film, which acts as a series of vignettes set over a longer period of time.