Chronic fatigue - cause, symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue cause, symptoms and treatment

Modern lifestyle and chronic fatigue are closely related

The real causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are not even known in medicine, but the modern way of life and chronic fatigue are closely linked. Modern people mostly do sedentary work, do not move enough, eat too much, do not sleep enough, many have switched from day to night due to television and the Internet and have chronic sleep disorders, are constantly stressed, consume too much medication, are prone to vices, smoking, alcoholism and other opiates and so the vicious circle closes every night and reopens every day.

Chronic fatigue is the inevitable result of this senseless cycle beyond the alternation of the natural cycles of day and night, the cycles of activity and rest. First, motivation suffers, and then comes lethargy, which turns into apathy, which is the first step into depression. People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome start with excuses like “I can’t do anything”, which soon turn into “I can’t do anything”, and end up with a chronic repetition of “I have no strength for anything”, then they start visiting doctors.

Some diseases may be to blame for chronic fatigue

When a person’s lethargy and general exhaustion completely take over, help should be sought, because the culprits for chronic fatigue may be some diseases, which should be treated in the hope that the treatment of the underlying disease will slowly affect the chronic fatigue syndrome. Diseases and conditions that can cause general exhaustion and life fatigue due to which sometimes there is no strength or why anemia, hypothyroidism (slowed thyroid function), but already diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, apnea (sleep disorder).

Chronic fatigue - cause, symptoms and treatment
Chronic fatigue cause, symptoms and treatment (source: Pinterest)

Chronic fatigue is sometimes due to adrenal dysfunction and adrenal fatigue, endocarditis, inflammation and infections of the heart and heart, celiac disease, mononucleosis, restless legs syndrome (tremor), chronic anxiety, obesity, and of course other serious diseases may be behind the chronic syndrome. the real cause of this phenomenon has not yet been discovered, when some diseases are triggers, treating them at least partially improves the condition and the patient recovers from this feeling of complete exhaustion and returns the will to live.

Prevention is better than cure, this is also true for chronic fatigue

Medicine always advocates and recommends prevention as the best guardian of human health. Prevention is better than cure, this also applies to chronic fatigue, which means you should slowly and gradually but completely reprogram your life to save yourself from chronic fatigue syndrome. Start with a diet, eat more frequent but smaller meals, a hearty breakfast, fruit between breakfast and lunch, eat half the amount you are used to for lunch, fruit or just a salad between lunch and dinner that should be light in both calories and quantity.

Diet for chronic murder must be rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, green vegetables balance the chemical processes in the brain that are thought to be responsible for chronic fatigue syndrome. Exercise or just walk, but regularly and every day no matter the weather. Eliminate unhealthy foods, alcohol, fizzy drinks and smoking. Always go to bed at the same time, even if you don’t fall asleep right away and by no means sleep with your cell phone next to you.

source: webmd

CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.